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Message From Chairman, David Larsen


Message From Chairman, David Larsen

     The Utah Joint Council of Fire Service Organizations was formed two decades ago as a non-partisan group of delegates from Fire and EMS related associations with the purpose of educating its members and Utah legislatures on issues concerning public safety.  Dealing with such a large amount of propose legislation every year, the fire service realized it was nearly impossible for an individual department or interest group to represent all of the various statewide issues being presented.  By combining the resources of all the member organizations and departments, the Council is able to use the combined expertise, knowledge, and wisdom that the various stakeholders and member organizations share.  By working collaboratively, and with consensus, it enables the Council to focus the combined energy and resource towards a unified voice.

     Representatives from various public safety professional associations and statewide regional districts make up the sixteen member Joint Council Board.  The Joint Council meets weekly through the legislative session, and throughout the year when necessary.  The Council delegates meet together to represent the fire service in Utah by collectively focusing the needs and desires if individual departments and groups, as well as by networking and educating their individual memberships.  This system allows associations, districts and departments the ability to support or oppose legislation that might affects us all.

     Today, the Joint Council works towards monitoring and disseminating proposed legislation dealing with a wide range of fire and safety concerns, as well as State laws and rules regarding public safety personnel.  The Council acts as an effective "clearing house" for bills being presented through the legislature, and after reaching a consensus, may vote to support or oppose legislation.  The goal of the Council is to assist legislators with background information, facts, data and a professional perspective on proposed legislation.  We also strive to provide education, and disseminate information to our member groups and all State legislators concerning fire and EMS related issues.  Our common goal is to serve our elected representatives and the fire community alike.  Through this consensus approach, it allows parties to work collaboratively towards the common good, while accepting differences when consensus is not achieved, and avoiding any potential "unintended consequences" of the political process.

     With the start of this new legislative session, it is my hope that we as an organization can continue to represent the fire service of Utah effectively.  In order for this goal to be achieved, I would encourage those who are interested in participating in our political process to join our mission.



     To inform Utah Legislators, Citizens, and Firefighters about emergency medical, fire and life safety issues.

Whether you are a citizen, firefighter, fire service leader, or business owner, the Joint Council of Fire Service Organizations hopes to provide you with critical nonpartisan information on pending legislation and related issues.  Because we are a nonpartisan, the Joint Council is a proven source for accurate and objective information on fire service issues.

     Our Motto is simple " So that firefighters never stand alone"

     When Duty calls, firefighters respond often at great personal risk.  Our objective is to stand with them, their families and communities to ensure meaningful legislation.


David J. Larsen, Chairman

Utah Joint Council of Fire Service Organizations.





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